Popular Selections

8 Tree Orchard


  • 2 Peach Trees

  • 3 Apple Trees

  • 3 Pear Trees

12 Tree Orchard


  • 3 Peach Trees

  • 3 Apple Trees

  • 3 Pear Trees

  • 3 Cherry Trees

16 Tree Orchard


asian pears
  • 3 Peach Trees

  • 3 Apple Trees

  • 4 Pear Trees

  • 3 Cherry Trees

  • 3 Plum Trees

yellow apple tree

What’s Included

  • Initial consultation at your property

  • Planting your fruit trees

  • Six month maintenance check in and one year follow up to ensure proper establishment and success of the plantings

  • End of year pruning

  • Written maintenance plan tailored to your goals and the needs of your orchard

The Rewards of Home Fruit Growing

Tree fruits are some of the most rewarding crops to grow in your backyard orchard.

However, they also require more care than some of the other edible plants we install, so it’s important to understand what’s involved.

red apples

The Reality of Commercially Grown Fruit

When you purchase fruit from the grocery store or farmer’s market, it’s important to realize that they are sprayed heavily during their growing season. This is done for good reasons: to ensure high-quality, blemish-free fruit that can withstand up to 6 months outside growing on a tree, followed by transportation and storage. Conventionally grown fruit is sprayed with a variety of fungicides and insecticides on average 15 times per season to achieve these results. Organically grown fruit is sprayed twice as much, on average 30 times per season.

The Home Orchards Approach

Growing fruit with Home Orchards is a completely different experience. We have carefully selected the most disease and pest resistant varieties of fruit trees to offer our clients. Most of our clients find that spraying their trees just 2–4 times per season is enough to produce good-looking fruit. We prioritize the safety and effectiveness of the spray products we recommend. Some clients choose not to spray at all and are still able to enjoy acceptable, though imperfect, fruit.

Weather and Its Impact

It is important to note that growing fruit at home means working with nature. Some years, the weather is more favorable and trees produce healthy fruit with much less intervention. Other years, you may face greater challenges due to pests, diseases, or unusual weather conditions. Flexibility and adaptability are key to success.

Why It’s Worth It

Despite the additional care required, growing your own fruit is incredibly rewarding. The flavor of fresh-picked apples, pears, or peaches from your backyard is unmatched. You also have peace of mind knowing exactly what went into producing your fruit—with significantly less spraying than store-bought options.